Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy explains the way we gather, use, disclose, and protect the information of visitors to our website, It’s our prime responsibility to guard and respect the collected information of Global Time Today’s users. This privacy policy holds responsibility for information that is only collected through and does not apply to any information that is collected from other third-party sources.

Depending on the purpose of your visit to this website, your consent to additional terms and services is required while visiting it.

Personal-identity Information

1.1 Depending on the nature of interaction with our website, Global Time Today may need personal information such as an email address or any voluntary information from respected visitors. This information may be gathered while filling out the contact us form, subscribing to our newsletter, or leaving a comment.

Automatically Collected Information:

1.2 Some technical information is automatically collected about the user’s device and his or her usage patterns. This information may consist of Pages visited, dates/times, OS, IP, location, or browser Type. Any type of data collection on this website is strictly in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

1.3 uses cookies and past visitor information to improve users experiences on our Website. These techniques help us analyse usage patterns to administer the Website in a better way. We also track users’ experiences and behaviours. You can always configure your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Use of Information

1.4 Legal Compliance and Protection: We may disclose your personal information only under certain circumstances. When there is some legal obligation to comply with the law, such as protecting our rights or property or defending the personal safety of visitors’ information.

Advertisement Policy

Ads may be shown on this website by our advertising partners, such as Google, to users who may set cookies. These cookies help the advertiser identify the user’s device information each time, and hence they use it for ad compilation for a specific targeted audience. This Privacy Policy protects the use of cookies by and does not protect the use of cookies by any other advertisers.

Links to External Sites

Since our site contains links to external sites that are not operated by Global Time Today, By clicking any external link, you will be directed to a third party’s site. We are not responsible for the content, privacy policy, operation, products, or services of any third party’s site. So, it is strongly recommended that you review the privacy policy and terms of service of every external site you visit.

Data Retention and Security

We hold your own data for however long it is important to satisfy the reasons framed in this Protection Strategy, except if a more drawn-out maintenance period is required or allowed by regulation. We carry out sensible safety efforts to shield your own data from unapproved access, modification, exposure, or obliteration.
